Dr. Goonjan Shah
Degree in Chemical Engineering from Columbia University
Clinical & Research Fellowship at UCLA
Dr. Goonjan Shah grew up in Michigan. He obtained a degree in chemical engineering from Columbia University in New York. From there completed his medical school at University of Michigan and then anesthesiology residency at University of North Carolina. Afterwards he completed a two year clinical and research fellowship at UCLA.
Dr. Shah has a strong belief in evidence based medicine and has spent time researching outcomes based measures for patient care in pain medicine through residency and fellowship. His research has led to publication of original research in Pediatric Anesthesia. He has also received competitive NIH funding for pain research to help improve patient outcomes. In addition to evidence based medicine he believes in family centered and patient centered care.
He incorporates use of multiple treatment modalities in addition to medications to help patient become more functional including use of alternative medicine. Some of his treatment options include use of stem cell treatments, PRP, epidurals, joint injections, spinal cord stimulation and the use of other minimally invasive procedures to aid in the treatment of chronic spine conditions, neuropathies, complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), and cancer pain.
In his spare time Dr. Shah is an avid runner and competes in races from 5Ks to marathons. He also enjoys sports and is a huge University of Michigan fan.
Birth Place
• Degree in chemical engineering from Columbia University
• Clinical and research fellowship at UCLA
• Stem Cell Treatments
• Spinal Cord Stimulation
• Neuropathies
Advanced Pain Medical Group offers comprehensive pain management solutions for conditions such as back and spine pain, sciatic nerve pain, joint pain, neck pain, migraines, and neuropathy. Get expert care in West Hills, CA, or at one of our locations in Southern California.